Monday, October 22, 2007

just got back

Joshua just had his prefomance it went well. Thank you to those who came!!! I will try to get the video posted when I figure out how to up load it


Well not much is super going on here. I still feel like krap. I am working my but off. There is a ton to do this week we have to pull all the annuals and plant the bulbs. But right now i am just dealing with Joshua. Last week he told me that his tooth hurt so I looked at it and the has a hole in one of his molars. So i took him to the dentist and he has a severely infected tooth on one side and a cavity on the other. so he is on meds and the tooth comes out of wed. Today he has is first viola performance.

We got a bunch of snow this weekend it was kinda nice but man I was cold!!

As for me I still miss Vegas alot i miss my friends I miss my favorite shops I miss the casinos. I miss a bunch.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

remind me why

I have started this blog. Okay I know that I thought it would be a great way for family to know what is going on with my family. I know I do not have friend but geez. Okay I know that Amy looks at this but our family is so big I really thought other would. It really makes me feel little and unimportant to the world. I regret ever moving to Utah.