Well of course there is new stuff but just seems like it is the same train wreak as always.
But I have things to be grateful for like my best friend even tho she is mental but I love her. I love my husband and all 7 of my children no matter how near or far they may be.
So far this year we have gotten to talk to Heather on the phone for a good amount of time she was in CA for a family funeral and was aloud to visit her grandparents so of course she got to talk to us. It was great to hear from her and talk to her with out having to hold back.
This month Heather has turned 14 McKay will be turning 41. My niece is getting married. My father in law and his wife are getting baptized. McKay will be in Utah for this coming weekend for both events. I know he will be gone for only about a 24 hour time but still I hate being away from him for very long yes even though he drives me nuts.
Well Joshua has gone back to school this past Monday which is a great thing except for the fact I have to be up at 630 am to make sure he does what needs to be done. I just do not like mornings. He is also getting ready for his Deaconship and a lot of boyscout events coming up camping trips walks ect ect.
Alex is being difficult nothing of his own doing for the past few weeks he has been down in the dumps head aches stomach aches just laying around not being Alex Well Monday i got feed up with it and took him into the doc. Turns out they believe he has been having cluster migrains oh joy. So they started him on a medication to help this. I feel bad for the kid he has so many medical problems and nothing I can do about it.
As for the other kids nothing new going on there really same stuff everyday.
And me well I am just happy bowling starts back up Friday I need to get out