Tuesday, November 30, 2010

so my going ons

I am just trying to keep busy and keep my mind of the holiday season. Which is not working since the kids do nothing but talk about Hanukkah and Christmas over and over. Avery keeps asking what is he going to get. I finally got fed up and told him your not getting anything at all. Well that was a mistake. he went to his room screaming and crying. I tried to calm him and well it did not work. Telling him that it would not be a surprise if I told him what he was getting another failure. So I just left it. He had his fit took a nap and was better. The older 4 are making gifts they do this every year. Normally it is just something out of construction paper or just a drawing. I love that they do this. I was going to make robes but McKay says that it will be easier to just buy a robe for Alex since he is the only one that needs it. Kill Joy. I was hoping to have Nathan's quilt done but that is not happening either. We were robbed of our black Friday shopping due to the fact payroll forgot to do the direct deposit. So no Joann's for me. Guess it is a good thing since I would have gone over board.
Hope is doing good with her new braces. She hates that there is so much that she can not eat. Hope is such a strong girl. Nobody at school is making fun of her and if they are she is not caring. She loves her braces. She is going to have them on for a bout a year. She is such a beautiful young lady already!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Quilt

Well I set a goal To have this done by the end of the month. Well it is done today LOL. I have decided for Christmas I want a quilting frame. I gave this to Joshua since his Favorite color is orange.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Alex's Accident

Not sure how many of you have read my Facebook post about what happened today. So I will post the full story here as far as I know.
Today after school Alex and Joshua were crossing the street to come home. They ride their bike to and from school everyday. They are both in Middle school now. Joshua in his last year and Alex in his first. School started last Monday. To give some background first Joshua has been ridding his bike for a year with no problems. Here they do not have crossing guards for middle school. Well as usual they check for on coming traffic saw it was safe to cross and proceeded. Well the on coming car thought he/she could get across before them. well it did not happen and Alex was hit. The driver was not going fast at all. He was hit on his right leg which knocked him over.
Once Alex got up and out of the way the driver took off. They came home. This is where they tell me this. I called to police to file the report. I had police paramedics and the fire department here filling out reports and checking Alex out. The paramedics felt that Alex was well enough to stay home in my care. Gave me instructions and what to look out for.
Well now is where everything gets worse. I call to tell Brigett (Alex's birth mother). Of course the number I have is no longer in service. So I call her mother no answer. So I text Sean and he gives me the correct number. After talking to her telling her that all is well explained everything. Well later this evening I noticed I had a few messages on the phone. One is from her mother the other from Brigett. I call Patti back and explained everything. She made me feel horrible like there was something I could have done to prevent this. So I get off the phone with her and returned Brigett's call. She wanted to speak with McKay. But he has to be at work at midnight tonight and was in very early this morning he had already gone to bed.
After things where said. It made me think why could it not have been Joshua. It would have been so much easier.
Granted I did not HAVE to call anybody. But I thought it was the right thing to do. But to hear about it the day it happens then later on I thought.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Going ons here

Well things have been busy here at our house. The weather is nice out again so we have been playing outside allot. Alex has made A honor roll. Nathan has made a/b honor roll and got he attendance award. We are very proud of them both. Over this past month Hope has hurt her wrist and was in a soft cast thing for about a week. It was a bruise on her wrist. Joshua got hurt during PE and badly sprained his wrist. He has been in a splint for the week. He is not happy about that since I will not let him skate board until it is off. Avery has graduated to a big boy bike and loves it. Apartment living is going okay it is still really hard on me since there is not much that all the kids can do. They want to go out and shot the paint ball guns and BB guns but here is not the best place. Next week is my last week of no kids since Joshua will be out of school on the 2nd. Then he will be going to boy scout camp for a week in mid June.

For those who do not know. Joshua has been dealing with a few medical problems. He is nearly 13 and still has issues with bed wetting. So we went to an Urologist and after a month of testing. Joshua's kidneys are both swollen and dilated and is bladder wall is thick. On July 2nd he will be going in for day surgery. They will try to fix the problem then. Of course I do not fully understand everything. Once a doc says surgery my mind sorta turns off. We are waiting longer to do this so he is out of school since he has missed so much due to medical things. And so he can go to camp. I am a little nervous about him being gone for a week. But I am sure he will be fine. His scout Leader is a P.A. and knows about everything going on with Joshua so that really helps.
McKay is working as much as he can but it is still really hard. There are a few opportunities that are possible. One may me a relocation but not sure of it yet.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Look what Avery can do!


Monday, April 19, 2010

pics from Hope and Nathan's Birthday






Mr. Nathan Michael

Okay so after the busy weekeend I am finally getting around to doing this.

So friday April 16th was Nathan's 9th birthday!! He had a good day. What he got
Pokemon Cards
R2D2 trouble board game
large plush pokemon
build a bear dog
tony hawk ds game
a case for all his pokemon cards
star wars dart gun

Nathan still is really shy around people. His fav food in the world is enchiladas. He love to read. Currently he is reading The Book of Mormon and Percy jackson The lightning Thief. He loves to play outside and go hiking. When the air is good for him. He now takes 3 pills a day 1 inhaler and a nasal spray. He is loving being a cub scout now. He really looks forward to tuesday nights. The Pine wood derby is coming up at the end of the month.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Miss HopeLeah

Well tomorow is her 10th birthday. I can not believe she is 10. Where has the time gone. Where is that chubby faced baby in pig tails? I remember when she was a baby she had to have her hair up all the time. She hated it down. While she slept she would play with it. Now she does not like it up and I have to nearly beg just to play with her hair.
Things she is really likes now.
Build A Bear
High School Musical
Littlest Pet Shop
Playing Video games

She still does not like math or vegetables. She likes her brothers most of the time. On Saturday she will be Baptized in the LDS Church. Her Uncle Quin (favorite uncle), Aunt Eve, Grandma Ellen, Grandpa Arnold, and Grandma Marti are coming down for it. She is very excited.

As per the rules in my House tomorow is her day. We all do what she wants playing games watching movies ect ect. She will not have to do any chores and she gets to pick what we have for dinner.

We did the birthday celebration last weekend. She got a sewing machine 2 new moon shirts a HSM shirt, A pink Build a bear kitty, Bella dancerella HSN DVD (it will teach her 3 dance moves from the movie) I was Hoping to find her the High School musical 3 DVD but could not find it. All in all she was very happy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Over The Rainbow

Yesterday Hope Avery and I watched Wizard of Oz. I LOVE this movie. I so want the blue ray. I love that my kids like to watch classic movies. So they are not really fond of black and whites but that is fine. I have been adding some of our favorite to the Netflix instant watch queue. The selection is not that big. I started with what Judy Garland and Shirley Temple movies they had. Today is a nice day out So I kicked Hope, Nathan and Alex out. So they are out practicing on the Heelies. Avery has 1 more dose of antibiotics left so tomorrow he gets to play outside thankfully. Joshua just does not want too. But he never does.
Tonight we are having the missionaries over or movie night. They are bringing a few things to watch. I will be making mini corn dogs with tater tots, Root beer floats and Ice cream cookie sandwiches.
Tomorrow I take Joshua to get his ultra sound of his Bladder and Kidneys. Oh the fun things!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blowing in the Wind

We have been having high winds here. Honestly it is driving me nuts. Generally I have no problem with the wind. It helps clean the air ect ect. But in the Apt the wind makes so much noise. I can not open the windows due to the high pollen count and Nathans Asthma. I actually had to turn the air on last night. That did not make me very happy at all. Of course I set it at like 80. Our front room heats up so fast when every I use the oven.
Yesterday was an okay day. The kids getting on my nerves, HELLO when don't they. Poor things are stuck in the apt all on top of each other. Nathan and Avery could not go out side if they wanted to. Josh Alex and Hope just did not want to. So we went to the library. picked up a 2 dvds and a bunch of books. Hope picked up a kids cook book and will be making a full dinner by her self soon. Alex and Joshua got a few books on Greek Mythology. We ordered a few others. Then we were off to Wal-Mart to pick up Alvin & the chipmunks the squeakquel. It was really cute.
Today after doing the cleaning up I am going to call it a video game day. So it will be nice and peacefull. Joshua will be gone most the day for a scouting thing woohoo!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Track Break Day 2

Well 2 days in and I am already ready or them to go back to school. Joshua goes back on Monday but Alex, Hope, Nathan, and Avery do not go back until May. Currently only 3 of the kids are able to go outside to play. Of course they do not wish too. So we sit here in our tiny apt nearly on top of each other. I am trying to have thing planed to do but it is hard when Avery is still sick and the pollen count is too high for Nathan to go out. Tomorrow Joshua has a scout thing for most of the day. So that will be nice.
Yesterday we had movie day just sat around and relaxed. Last night the missionaries were here or our lesson. They will be back on Thursday and we are doing movie night with them they are bringing the Joesph Smith movie and something else, I will be making finger foods and root beer floats.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Another year nearly gone

Well that time of year again. in just 13 days I will be 33 years old. In just 5 days marks they day I met McKay 7 years ago. I will be getting my birthday gift from McKay early this year. I will be getting New Moon DVD!!!! I can not wait.
Things I would love for my birthday.

Final Fantasy XII for PS3
Cash for clothing (since savers does not have gift cards)
A massage
A spa Pedicure
One day of not cleaning cooking or having to tell/ask someone else to do it!

See I am not picky!!! I guess one you become a mom not much really matter anymore!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hope is doing better

Well we have little or no fever this weekend. We went back to urgent care on Friday and they gave her antibiotics and did a new throat culture still not really sure what was going on. Yesterday we had the Bishop come over for a blessing. Today she has been up and running around let her go out side for a bit to play just o see how she would do. She still has a bit of a cough and sore throat. Tomorrow she goes back to school.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Miss Hopie

we are now on day 6 of hope being sick. She is still running a fever of 103. So far docs have ruled out strep and pneumonia. If she still has a fever tomorrow I will be taking her back to urgent care for the third time this week. I have no clue what is going on with her. But this is just too long the fever has to mean there is something. They are calling it an upper respiratory infection but have given her no antibiotics.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What a few weeks

This past weeks or so has just been trying on me. First I was not sure if Hope was allergic to nut or not. She kept having tummy aches after eating nuts and peanut butter. The doc appt was not fun when she discovered that she had to get bloodwork done. But it all came back normal so that was good. Then Alex starting throwing up with no other problems so back to the doc we went. He ended up missing 3 days of school for this. We had an xray done and I never heard back so I guess it was fine. Then Joshua was suspended from school for punching a boy. I guess they were just playing around and Josh asked the boy if he could punch him. When the boy did not respond he punched him. I took away scouts for that evening and the camping trip the following weekend. Was not happy about it but have to do what I have to do.
Avery has decided he does not want to clean his room make his bed or anything. So today I have decided to clean his room my way I have fill 2 large bags to take to savers and 1 bag of just trash and this has just been his toy boxes.
Tomorrow will not be that fun either I will be taking all 5 kids to the dentist, I know Nathan has a cavity and his teeth bother him do to sensitivity. Plus he just does not like the dentist and freaks out sometimes.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hope Leah

some of you know how much Hope love to take pictures and videos so this weekend we found a great deal at the pawn shop for a flip vid cam it is only 5.2 mega pix but I thought I would share the pictures with everyone here is a link to her blog www.misshopeleah.blogspot.com

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well now that Avery is starting to get homework packets weekly he fights and fight to get it done. He has certain things he has to do each day like write is first and last name 3 times write his weekly words 3 times each i mean it is not that hard I know that he can do it he just won't. To top it all off now he hates school. We think it has something to do with his friend moving away but it has been a week and a half now. We have to drag him to the play ground to even go. I am trying my best to not get angry with him cause I know it will not do any good.

Monday, February 1, 2010

new blog page

well my Nieces do this so I thought I would give it a shot, I will be starting a picture a day blog for this year please bare with me on this project of mine who knows what will show up!!

just go to www.denastringham2010365.blogspot.com

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I got this in our email and just have to share with all i can not believe that she just turned 14 SCARY actually this was taken the day before

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Well Hi there

Well things have been go go go here but what else is new. Last weekend was great. Arnold and Marti Stringham flew in Jan 23rd for the weekend. It was great to see them. On Saturday we hung out at the Apt for a bit then Marti Hope and I heading out to the mall for some girl time. We went to Build a Bear and Hope got the new iCarly bear. Which is so very cute. then we wondered for a bit and just talked which was great! While we were there Arnold McKay and the boys hung out and did what ever. Avery really missed his Grandpa and climbed on him most the time.
On Sunday they joined us for church. Quin and Grandma Ellen met us there. Since their flight did not come in till that morning. During the third hour of church Quin ordained Joshua into the priesthood. We are pretty luck to have a great family that are willing to fly in to be here for this. After Church we had a small birthday celebration for McKay Alex and Avery while family were here. I forgot how much my kids LOVE uncle Quin. it was great seeing them all together playing. Grandma Ellen brought pillows with home make pillow cases for the boys still have no clue how she got them in the suit case LOL. Boys love them tho. Quin got the kids these super cute rubber CTR rings. We also revived a belated Christmas gift from Arnold and Marti which was a web cam so we all can do video calls kids are really looking forward to that. Quin also gave me a great book called 52 more weeks of family Night it is really nice to have there is a cdrom wit it will all kinds of fun Scripture activities print outs.
Quin and Grandma were able to get on an early flight wish they could have stayed longer. But after they left We pulled out the Wii Fit plus and Arnold and Marti even played on it is was great seeing them doing it and it really looked like they both had a blast. Arnold tied my high score in the penguin game and Marti got the high score on the ski jump!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My new boots

So I picked these up at savers and I just love them and have to share them with the people that read my blog if anyone is out there

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year Same Stuff

Well of course there is new stuff but just seems like it is the same train wreak as always.
But I have things to be grateful for like my best friend even tho she is mental but I love her. I love my husband and all 7 of my children no matter how near or far they may be.
So far this year we have gotten to talk to Heather on the phone for a good amount of time she was in CA for a family funeral and was aloud to visit her grandparents so of course she got to talk to us. It was great to hear from her and talk to her with out having to hold back.
This month Heather has turned 14 McKay will be turning 41. My niece is getting married. My father in law and his wife are getting baptized. McKay will be in Utah for this coming weekend for both events. I know he will be gone for only about a 24 hour time but still I hate being away from him for very long yes even though he drives me nuts.

Well Joshua has gone back to school this past Monday which is a great thing except for the fact I have to be up at 630 am to make sure he does what needs to be done. I just do not like mornings. He is also getting ready for his Deaconship and a lot of boyscout events coming up camping trips walks ect ect.
Alex is being difficult nothing of his own doing for the past few weeks he has been down in the dumps head aches stomach aches just laying around not being Alex Well Monday i got feed up with it and took him into the doc. Turns out they believe he has been having cluster migrains oh joy. So they started him on a medication to help this. I feel bad for the kid he has so many medical problems and nothing I can do about it.
As for the other kids nothing new going on there really same stuff everyday.
And me well I am just happy bowling starts back up Friday I need to get out