Tuesday, March 6, 2012

nearly 4 months

Well this is how long we have been back in Utah. It is now time to get back on track with everything. For me this means out of bed by 9am. Since this is when the kids are all at school. I need to start working out again for many reasons. The main one being my health. I have to start getting the house cleaned up before I play my video games. No more laying in bed all day crocheting and watching tv all day. Okay may be just one day a week. I want to start eating as a family a few days a week. So that mean me getting off my rear and cooking proper meals. No more mass cooking then eating what ever is in the fridge. For the kids it means that after school homework first then chores before getting to go out side play laptops watch tv or playing video game. Clean laundry put away the day it is washed and rooms are picked up. Of course the kids are not going to like this one bit. There are some issues we are dealing with here and I think if we get back to a schedule things might help some. I also want to start doing things as a family playing games or outside together. Yes this means having McKay involved as well. That might be the hardest. I have been letting thing slack big time. there is piles of clean laundry downstairs. We can not even watch movies together. Our Office place is so clustered I have to walk over things to get to my desk. So I am thinking of chore lists. Does any one know where to find some good ideas for this. We use to have a jar. I would right down things that had to be done daily the kids would have to pick something out and that is what they had to do. All my kids are old enough to be able to do anything in the house. I also would have one slip be a free day but might not put that in.


CraftyMama said...

I've got two places you can look:

Flylady.net has things for getting routines in place and there's a kids task for many days (though it may be a little young for some of your kids) Since you have kids (and adults) who like video games, you might check out chore wars http://www.chorewars.com/ where you can get XP for housework, and you set up your family as a party. I know larger families where the kids argue over who *GETS* to do a chore so they can level up.

Congadev said...

Nice blog !!!
thanks for sharing
Thiet ke nha dep |
Thiet ke nha pho dep |
Thiet ke biet thu dep |
Thiet ke biet thu |
Thiet ke noi that dep |
Nha dep

نانا الطيب said...

شركة عزل اسطح وخزانات بالدمام من مؤسسة رواد الحرمين للخدمات المنزلية كشف تسربات المياه بدون تكسير عزل أسطح مائي حراري فوم مصرح به من شركة الكهرباء.
تعتبر الشركة رواد الحرمين فى عزل اسطح مبلطة وغير مبلطة بالضمان لاننا نمتلك المواد المستوردة عالية الدقة والجودة فى حماية السطح من التسربات والرطوبة العالية.
عزل اسطح بالدمام
يحتاج السطح الى الحماية من التسربات والرطوبة لزيادة العمر الافتراضي له شركة عزل اسطح بالقصيم عنيزة هى الشركة المثالية فى جميع انواع العوازل المائية والحرارية بالضمان الذي يصل الى عشرات السنوات والمتابعة الفورية عند حدوث خلل للسطح الموجود.
عزل الاسطح بالدمام
تعتمد شركة عزل بالدمام على افضل مجموعة مهندسين على خبرة كبيرة فى التعامل مع جميع انواع الاسطح والخزانات بمنتهى الدقة.
مهندسين على مستوى كبير من الخبرة لتنفيذ وقياس جودة السطح باحدث اجهزة الكشف عن الرطوبة العالية والمشاكل الموجودة فى السطح وعلاجها بالمواد الحديثة المستوردة من الخارج.بالضمان من مؤسسة رواد الحرمين المتخصصة فى عزل

شركه عزل فوم بالدمام

نوال الخطيب said...

شركه كشف تسربات المياه بمكة