Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat.

Well today is hard. This is McKay's favorite day of the year. We are spending it 500 miles apart. Normally the house would be decorated with crafts the kids and I would make during the long weekend. This year I have nothing up. WE did have a fun pumpkin carving party. My best friend and her kids came over. Hope's little guy friend came over. WE ended it with jumbo cupcakes. Which they split one sitting on the stairs. As Sasha and I were cleaning up we started a paint war. Which I won of course. It was a blast.

I am happy to end this chapter of our life. I really think we will be happier in Utah. I just have a hard time leaving my friends behind me. I know I will always have them in my life. I look forward to making new friends.

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