Saturday, February 25, 2012


As many of you all know I LOVE SEWING. Well I noticed many worn and torn part on the quilt that Ellen Stringham gave us for a wedding present. Mind you McKay uses this blanket every night. I have already patched it several times. The other day I went to do some repairs and realized that it would be easier to just cover it totally. So I go to may massive fabric collection and start working. It is coming out really well. I decided since I have many precut hearts I am going to put puffy hearts on it as well. So today Hope and I camp out at the dinning room table cutting heart out of batting cutting the fabric. I had some scrap strips and she asked if she could make something with it. So back to the fabric we went. We pulled out all the smaller leftovers that we could find at the moment. She ironed it all and I cut 10x1 inch strips for her. I pulled out her sewing machine and off to work she went. Now this is the first time she has done anything on it. She is doing a great job. She has made 3 10 inch squares already. Last 2 with no help from me at all. Her machine started making some odd clanking noises. So out come my tools I take it apart. Come to find that the bobbin winder is broken. This had to happen in the move. Just what I need another broken item. So I removed it completely. Make no sound and works perfect. So I sit there on one side of the table on my quilt and she is at the other. I have to say it was a great time. I love that she wants to sew. I will try to get pictures loaded up of what we have done so far once I find my camera. It keeps poofing. Since I am on vacation from face book I hope that you all are reading this. I also hope that some of you comment. It is nice to know that this is being read. I am still trying to figure out how to put a read button on here Like one of my nieces has. But of course feed back would be great.


Marti Stringham said...

Glad you like craft stuff so well. I never did. Any clever thing I ever made was at R.S. work day. Back in the "old days" RS was held on a week day, and one of the four weeks it was workday. Someone else planned the crafts, you signed up for the one that interested you, paid your money, and some other magic person bought all the supplies, had them packaged for each person, and we sat there and visited and all did our project together. I need a guide for crafts! Next time you're here remind me and I'll show you some examples of my RS crafts. Marti

Unknown said...

Diwali 2016
Happy Deepavali
Happy Diwali
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